Help centre
To login, simply go to our login page - From there you can login with a code sent to your email to verify. If you would prefer to use a password when logging in, you can enter it in your account settings and then login via email and password.
To change your information, simply go to your profile settings page and change the information. Then click the update button.
Yes! If you would prefer to login with a password instead of having a code emailed to you, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to your profile settings
- Scroll down to 'Add a password'
- Enter your chosen password
- CLick update
- You will now be able to login with either entering the code emailed to you or by using your email and password
Contact the organisation if you would like to join their network.
Currently there is no way of removing yourself from a network that you are part of. Please contact us if you would like to.
fill out the simple form here and once we have verified that you are legit, we will send you a link or QR code which you can forward to members or employees. profiles will then sit on your organisational page. If you are an event or conference, we will send you a QR code which again will direct your delegates to your event page.
Apart from your email address and password, all the information about yourself is publicly available. If you add your profile image, website and linkedin links, these will be shown on your profile. Generally, only your first name is used across the website but there may be instances where your last name is also used.
If you want to remove your account and all your data, please contact us.
To join networks, use the link or QR code from the network you want to join, navigate to their network page, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Join network'. If you aren't logged in, you will need to login before.
Follow these steps:
- Navigate to 'My Stories'
- Click 'Edit' on the story you want to edit
- Edit the information on the story (there is currently no option for re-recording the audio)
- Click 'Update'
Multiple stories a day has the potential to be overwhelming and meaningless. by being less focussed on keeping our own profile up to date, we focus on others and fuel the vision of someone else.
There are two ways to upload your hopeful story about someone else. firstly you can write your story in under 250 words or you can record yourself by simply pressing the record button and following the prompts.
If you record your story, you have up to one minute, so we recommend roughly crafting what you would like to say beforehand. don't worry about getting the recording right first time, you can retake the recording as many times as you like.
whether you are writing or recording make sure to include the name of the person or organisation you would like to promote and share what it is about them that inspires you and brings you hope. be creative, we already love and know about patagonia! to start your story, you could start with the line 'my story this week is… or my story of hopefulness is...'" if you are recording and finished in 30 seconds, that’s fine!
Follow these steps:
- Go to 'My Stories'
- Click 'Edit' on the story you want to delete
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Delete this story'
- Confirm by clicking 'Yes, please delete'
Every story will be accessible to everyone. If your story is shared within an organisation or event it will be shown in both the organisational page and will temporarily appear on the homepage as the most recent story. People may also find your story through the search option.
Please make sure you have filled out all the information needed:
- If you have provided a website URL, make sure it starts with "https://" and make sure it is complete. If you don't want to leave a URL, please remove everything from this form field.
- Make sure you have ticked that you agree with the terms and guidelines.
If you are still having issues, please contact us.
If your story has been uploaded either on the dashboard or on the home page, but you aren't seeing it in your dashboard or in the stories page, please contact us.
This is a story-telling platform that is designed to promote stories of hopefulness. if you see or hear something that is of concern please report immediately.
If you have seen an account that looks suspicious, goes against our community guidelines or looks like someone imitating someone else, please contact us.
If you have seen content that goes against our community guidelines, or that you feel is inappropriate for any other reason, please contact support.