Anna Fielding

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The Global Alliance for Banking on Values

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My main source of hope for many years has been the Global Alliance for Banking on Values. It's a network of values based banks across the world. There's about 66 of them now with about 60 million customers and they all put serving society and the environment as their objectives. So yes, they do make a profit but that's only one thing. The aim is to support the people the projects that are making the world a better place, funding the future that we want. They are doing this in one of the hardest systems to change with so many obstacles and yet they have got this network of amazing organisations who are doing it and been doing it for decades with every aspect of their work infused with purpose. I see the ecology building society in the UK, I see Triodos across Europe, Vancity in Canada which is an amazing credit union. I think they are the future of the financial system and the tool that we need if we're going to have a liveable Future.



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