Dhiraj Mukherjee

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Queens Commonwealth Trust Young Entrepreneurs

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my story of hope are the entrepreneurs who have a vision and a passion for making a difference. As a recovering entrepreneur myself I have deep empathy for entrepreneurs who are trying to have an impact as well as build a new business. There is a charity called the Queen's Commonwealth Trust, which was set up to support young entrepreneurs across 50 countries in the Commonwealth through funding, skills, and the creation of a network. By creating this community, and allowing the exchange of ideas, stories and resources, I feel really optimistic that we will see the next generation of businesses grow and take shape which will give a chance for other young people to participate and hopefully go on to become large companies in their own right. I'm a big believer in business as a force for good and I think the Queen's Commonwealth trust is is an organisation which enables that.



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Queens Commonwealth Trust Young Entrepreneurs
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