Jonathan Baillie

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Kris Tompkins and 15 million acres

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My story of hopefulness is a story about a woman who's really committed her life to helping us better understand the natural world and ensure that much of it is secured for future generations. Kris Tompkins was CEO of Patagonia, and then with her late husband focussed on how to secure large tracts of land and together created some of the largest protected areas in the world. Kris isn't coming from a traditional conservation career, she started in the private sector but always had a great reverence and respect for the natural world. She then went on to work with local communities and governments and help set up 13 national parks in Chile and Argentina, and protect almost 15 million acres. But what I most admire is her ability to communicate the importance of the natural world and our relationship with other forms of life and the need to get to know our neighbours and understand nature so that we truly respect, value and ultimately want to protect it. These challenges are immense and there's so many interests against securing the natural world. But to have an example like Kris who's just got up and done it is very inspiring.



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Kris Tompkins and 15 million acres
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