Mark Haviland

To Restore Lake Victoria
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Liz Robinson at Big Education

submitted by
Mark Haviland

My hopeful story is Liz Robinson, who runs an organisation called Big Education. A multi trust academy that is focused on the idea of reexamining how we educate our children to ensure that we are drawing out the very best in them as opposed to pouring into them what we think is useful for an economy, is easy to measure and easy to build a system for. Liz and the people that she works with are all incredible innovators in the education space and yet they are deeply entrenched within the system. They know the politics, they know the systemic challenges that it faces and the pressures that are being put on everybody in that system. They are determined to find a way through proof points not through some conceptual magic, but through evidence and proof and case studies to take a new way of teaching to society to government and ensure that we draw out of children the best that is possible.



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Liz Robinson at Big Education
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