Pedro Tarak

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Crepes & Waffles business in Columbia

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My story of hope are companies, that are completely devoted to the common good. There's one called Crepes and waffles which is a restaurant chain in Colombia with over 6000 employees. Although it's a multinational, Its purpose is the inclusion of single mothers in society, and in the labour markets. What's so marvellous about crepes and waffles, is that they guarantee wonderful quality of food for everybody because it's very affordable for the many social classes. They source quality foods from single mother suppliers of vegetables and fruits, and they pay them from 40 to 60% above the market value If they retain clean watercourses in the plots. They regenerate the quality of soil so when you go to these restaurants you participate in a solution which is a global need, which is bringing back the bio-diversity and cleaning up the waters.



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Crepes & Waffles business in Columbia
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