
Extrabold Typography to change the world

submitted by
Chrissy Levett

I'm going to choose a young man called Archie Moore who is a designer and a graduate from Falmouth, School of Art. He created a typographic project which I think is a brilliant example of how anything that we do can positively change the world. He created this project called Extra Bold, an open source platform that has designed typographic letters and alphabets to help activists communicate better with clear, relevant typography for their marches and for their work. The power of words and typography and clear messaging is really important in movements and in organisations and I just love it because it was a completely selfless thing to put it out into the world.



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Extrabold Typography to change the world


Extrabold Typography to change the world
I'm going to choose a young man called Archie Moore who is a designer and a graduate from Falmouth, School of Art. He created a typographic project which I think is a brilliant example of how anything that we do can positively change the world. He created this project called Extra Bold, an open source platform that has designed typographic letters and alphabets to help activists communicate better with clear, relevant typography for their marches and for their work. The power of words and typography and clear messaging is really important in movements and in organisations and I just love it because it was a completely selfless thing to put it out into the world.
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