Eliza Marshall

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Alan Watson Featherstone from Trees for life

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My person is Alan Watson Featherstone who in 1986 founded the award-winning conservation charity, Trees for Life, which works to restore the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands. In the 80s rewilding and mother trees wasn't necessarily something that was being talked about, but Alan decided that the Glens of Scotland needed to be rewild so he raised over a million pounds which for a 'normal man' is extraordinary. He showed us this huge part of the Glens that is now rewild and it was all to do with making fences, planting the right trees, keeping the deer out which happens now in loads of areas but it was quite radical at the time. He lives a simple life in Findhorn, they're absolutely back to nature who love their vegetables and hug their trees, but his insight and his love and his passion for something that he started from absolutely nothing I think is a huge story of hope .



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Alan Watson Featherstone from Trees for life
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