
Luvan Takano and the Global Impact Alliance

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Sat in the Lavvo tent at the end of Day 1 at Katapult Future Fest, Dana began with a moment of contemplation made all-the-more contemplative by a helicopter sat above us. She then gave the floor to Luvan Takano from the Yepã Mahsã nation in Brazil to narrate indigenous viewpoints on our world today. With indigenous communities protecting around 80% of the world’s biodiversity, yet less than 1% of funding flowing into these communities, a clear chasm exists in our push to prevent extreme biodiversity loss. Together, Phillippe, Luvan and Dana are paving the way for stronger relationship-building to begin between regions and communities as a foundation from which investment into biodiversity can start to reach the hands of those who truly protect the richness of our ecological complexity. To check out their work, please visit the Global Impact Alliance.



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Luvan Takano and the Global Impact Alliance


Luvan Takano and the Global Impact Alliance
Sat in the Lavvo tent at the end of Day 1 at Katapult Future Fest, Dana began with a moment of contemplation made all-the-more contemplative by a helicopter sat above us. She then gave the floor to Luvan Takano from the Yepã Mahsã nation in Brazil to narrate indigenous viewpoints on our world today. With indigenous communities protecting around 80% of the world’s biodiversity, yet less than 1% of funding flowing into these communities, a clear chasm exists in our push to prevent extreme biodiversity loss. Together, Phillippe, Luvan and Dana are paving the way for stronger relationship-building to begin between regions and communities as a foundation from which investment into biodiversity can start to reach the hands of those who truly protect the richness of our ecological complexity. To check out their work, please visit the Global Impact Alliance.
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