
The Kyoto play

submitted by
Steve Cole

Good Chance Theatre and The Royal Shakespeare Company have joined forces to produce a stunning production called Kyoto


Good Chance theater are behind stunning creative productions such as the Jungle and The Walk With The Mill. But it is their new play Kyoto co-produced with the Royal Shakespeare Company that has blown Me away and is my story of hopefulness. It's a play that tells the story of a miraculous agreement when in 1997 100 and 80 or so nations agreed to combat climate change. My hope is not the agreement itself. A lot has happened since then. But around the art of storytelling and the unique power of theater and art to bring issues into the light, to call out injustice, to creatively show the workings of opposing forces that continue to happen in the shadows of every conference. Kyoto is also exhilarating and is a powerful reminder that against all the odds, agreement is possible.


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The Kyoto play


The Kyoto play
Good Chance Theatre and The Royal Shakespeare Company have joined forces to produce a stunning production called Kyoto
Good Chance theater are behind stunning creative productions such as the Jungle and The Walk With The Mill. But it is their new play Kyoto co-produced with the Royal Shakespeare Company that has blown Me away and is my story of hopefulness. It's a play that tells the story of a miraculous agreement when in 1997 100 and 80 or so nations agreed to combat climate change. My hope is not the agreement itself. A lot has happened since then. But around the art of storytelling and the unique power of theater and art to bring issues into the light, to call out injustice, to creatively show the workings of opposing forces that continue to happen in the shadows of every conference. Kyoto is also exhilarating and is a powerful reminder that against all the odds, agreement is possible.
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