Inspiring Sustainable Initiatives by Adam Bastock
I would like to give appreciation for one of my consistent sources of knowledge, inspiration, and support, Adam Bastock. Adam is Founder of Small 99 and a fantastic couple of initiatives: People Planet Pint and People Planet Pastry, both aimed at engaging action and support on sustainability. They have different formats and intended audiences, but I have been super happy to host these events in Aberdeen for over a year. Adam has also created great workshop resources like Action Box and the (carbon hi/low) Pub Mini Game. They are really great conversation starters for talking about carbon in an easy way. Adam is very active on LinkedIn, sharing knowledge and positive spins on topics to promote action. I have worked with Adam on an action planning project, which he was able to collaborate with several small consultancies to achieve in the time frame the client wanted. He's always willing to help and is a genuinely great human. Thanks, Adam.