
Global Football Storytelling

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Using the universal game of football as a way of discovering new communities and voices from around the world and the social and political issues that lie within.


my story of hope is actually a platform of hope. Uh, and that platform is Go click. Uh, the brainchild of founder Matt Barrett. Uh, essentially, it is a global football storytelling platform, uh, which helps people understand one another and the world through football. So go click. Send cameras out to people and communities in all the forest parts of the world. Uh, and they use analogue photography, uh, written words and audio and film to send back their content. And, uh, it's it's very inspirational. Um, in terms of the stories that are out there, whether that's a Sierra Leonean amputee football team or Syrian refugees playing in Jordan, uh, Iranian women's football team, really from a grassroots, right up to international level. And it's sort of through this cultural, social and political storytelling that, uh, and this beautiful game of of football that we can learn a lot, um, and feel inspired and feel hope for the future.


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Global Football Storytelling


Global Football Storytelling
Using the universal game of football as a way of discovering new communities and voices from around the world and the social and political issues that lie within.
my story of hope is actually a platform of hope. Uh, and that platform is Go click. Uh, the brainchild of founder Matt Barrett. Uh, essentially, it is a global football storytelling platform, uh, which helps people understand one another and the world through football. So go click. Send cameras out to people and communities in all the forest parts of the world. Uh, and they use analogue photography, uh, written words and audio and film to send back their content. And, uh, it's it's very inspirational. Um, in terms of the stories that are out there, whether that's a Sierra Leonean amputee football team or Syrian refugees playing in Jordan, uh, Iranian women's football team, really from a grassroots, right up to international level. And it's sort of through this cultural, social and political storytelling that, uh, and this beautiful game of of football that we can learn a lot, um, and feel inspired and feel hope for the future.
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