
GISH - The World's largest online scavenger hunt

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There's a lot of incredible positive things happening, and the one that I would like to focus on is the community called Gish which was set up by the actor Misha Collins, It's the world's largest online scavenger hunt that happens every year. I became their change a life Ambassador which essentially means I share a story of an individual community that I have documented in the previous 12 months, and together we raise funds to try and have a direct and positive impact on that community. We've been doing it for years now and we've managed to save a dance school in South Africa, support Syrian refugees in Lebanon, fund the mining projects in Lao, and this year we were able to support a children's ward of the emergency hospital in Kabul. This is such a thing of hopefulness because of the community that comes together to do this, individuals spread across the world who come together to make a huge difference. So, whilst most of the donations are between 5, 10 or maybe 20 dollars, when 1000s of people come together to create change, as a community, we're able to have a huge impact. So we have raised over $250,000 for that hospital in Afghanistan and it's not just the money raised but you see the sense of solidarity, you see the way the community comes together and to see in young people a real belief that there is a better way.



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GISH - The World's largest online scavenger hunt


GISH - The World's largest online scavenger hunt
There's a lot of incredible positive things happening, and the one that I would like to focus on is the community called Gish which was set up by the actor Misha Collins, It's the world's largest online scavenger hunt that happens every year. I became their change a life Ambassador which essentially means I share a story of an individual community that I have documented in the previous 12 months, and together we raise funds to try and have a direct and positive impact on that community. We've been doing it for years now and we've managed to save a dance school in South Africa, support Syrian refugees in Lebanon, fund the mining projects in Lao, and this year we were able to support a children's ward of the emergency hospital in Kabul. This is such a thing of hopefulness because of the community that comes together to do this, individuals spread across the world who come together to make a huge difference. So, whilst most of the donations are between 5, 10 or maybe 20 dollars, when 1000s of people come together to create change, as a community, we're able to have a huge impact. So we have raised over $250,000 for that hospital in Afghanistan and it's not just the money raised but you see the sense of solidarity, you see the way the community comes together and to see in young people a real belief that there is a better way.
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