
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation

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My story of hopefulness is the Barrier Reef foundation. I had the chance to interview Peter Mumbi who's one of the chief scientists out there, who confirmed that the reef has lost more than 50% of it's coral since 1995. The issue of the seas warming up and coral bleaching is a huge problem and perhaps one of the more visible symbols of climate change. But when I spoke with Peter he spoke about a programme which is planting more than 100,000 Corals off Port Douglas, together with significant restorative activity on Raine Island which is the largest green turtle nesting site. This is an organisation that is truly walking the walk.



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The Great Barrier Reef Foundation


The Great Barrier Reef Foundation
My story of hopefulness is the Barrier Reef foundation. I had the chance to interview Peter Mumbi who's one of the chief scientists out there, who confirmed that the reef has lost more than 50% of it's coral since 1995. The issue of the seas warming up and coral bleaching is a huge problem and perhaps one of the more visible symbols of climate change. But when I spoke with Peter he spoke about a programme which is planting more than 100,000 Corals off Port Douglas, together with significant restorative activity on Raine Island which is the largest green turtle nesting site. This is an organisation that is truly walking the walk.
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