
Unleashing the power of music in service of planet

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A story of hopefulness for me is the charity Earth percent which was set up to unleash the power of music in service of the planet. They do this in a monetary way and in a community based way. Earth percent is engaged at all levels of the music industry, from artists all the way up to their management and production companies. Earth Percent help the industry to find innovative mechanisms to give back to the planet whether it's giving a cut of your touring income or choosing the earth to be a co-writer on a song and therefore earning a percentage of royalties. Earth Percent are here for the innovation and for the systemic change.



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Unleashing the power of music in service of planet


Unleashing the power of music in service of planet
A story of hopefulness for me is the charity Earth percent which was set up to unleash the power of music in service of the planet. They do this in a monetary way and in a community based way. Earth percent is engaged at all levels of the music industry, from artists all the way up to their management and production companies. Earth Percent help the industry to find innovative mechanisms to give back to the planet whether it's giving a cut of your touring income or choosing the earth to be a co-writer on a song and therefore earning a percentage of royalties. Earth Percent are here for the innovation and for the systemic change.
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