
We See Hope across Sub Saharan Africa

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Phil and Wendy Wall started a charity called we see hope just over 20 years ago. It started in South Africa and there was one child in particular who caught their attention who they really wanted to adopt but were unable to so. In classic Phil and Wendy style what they did was rather than adopt the one child, they decided to adopt financially as many as they could. They weren't people of wealth but took their entire life savings and gave it away in ten pound notes to complete strangers. In large gatherings, they would give away a 10 pound note to each person and say please make it into 100 pounds and send it back to us. In doing so they raised millions for these children and today we see hope looks after orphans and vulnerable children across Sub Saharan Africa.



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We See Hope across Sub Saharan Africa


We See Hope across Sub Saharan Africa
Phil and Wendy Wall started a charity called we see hope just over 20 years ago. It started in South Africa and there was one child in particular who caught their attention who they really wanted to adopt but were unable to so. In classic Phil and Wendy style what they did was rather than adopt the one child, they decided to adopt financially as many as they could. They weren't people of wealth but took their entire life savings and gave it away in ten pound notes to complete strangers. In large gatherings, they would give away a 10 pound note to each person and say please make it into 100 pounds and send it back to us. In doing so they raised millions for these children and today we see hope looks after orphans and vulnerable children across Sub Saharan Africa.
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