
The Bio Leadership Fellows

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My story of hopefulness is all about the 80 people who have been part of the Bio Leadership Fellowship, all carrying a story that is changing the world in so many beautiful and creative ways. It's a call for people all around the world to come and be part of a community with each person holding a question or a project of potential change. It's through that that I've got to meet already 80 people and more, each of whom is carrying a story where they genuinely are doing something for the good of this life in so many beautiful and creative ways. Nobody can do this alone. It doesn't matter if you are the Secretary General of the UN or an organic farmer in India, you can't do it alone. But what is happening is that there are now threads of connection across communities that are really committed to making change happen. There's so much work to but the fact that the dots are getting connected is what gives me buckets of hope.



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The Bio Leadership Fellows


The Bio Leadership Fellows
My story of hopefulness is all about the 80 people who have been part of the Bio Leadership Fellowship, all carrying a story that is changing the world in so many beautiful and creative ways. It's a call for people all around the world to come and be part of a community with each person holding a question or a project of potential change. It's through that that I've got to meet already 80 people and more, each of whom is carrying a story where they genuinely are doing something for the good of this life in so many beautiful and creative ways. Nobody can do this alone. It doesn't matter if you are the Secretary General of the UN or an organic farmer in India, you can't do it alone. But what is happening is that there are now threads of connection across communities that are really committed to making change happen. There's so much work to but the fact that the dots are getting connected is what gives me buckets of hope.
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