
Thomas Hubl and Pocket Project

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The work that really touches me so deeply and inspires me is the work that Thomas Hubl does in the world. And in particular a project he founded called pocket project. It is designed to bring communities together across divides and to facilitate collective healing. We all know healing is really hard and I don't want to underplay the challenge but the more I learn about the work of Thomas, I am so filled with hope. One of the most powerful insights that I've had is that trauma is created in relationship and is healed in relationship. So if I can feel your pain and you can feel me feeling your pain then you're not alone anymore, so trauma survives in our bodies in a frozen state whilst it is alone. So this sense that we get that I'm alone and no one understands me is a trauma position but if we open our hearts and we're present with our heart, and we're open and we're connecting then healing starts and we can all do that which is deeply hopeful.



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Thomas Hubl and Pocket Project


Thomas Hubl and Pocket Project
The work that really touches me so deeply and inspires me is the work that Thomas Hubl does in the world. And in particular a project he founded called pocket project. It is designed to bring communities together across divides and to facilitate collective healing. We all know healing is really hard and I don't want to underplay the challenge but the more I learn about the work of Thomas, I am so filled with hope. One of the most powerful insights that I've had is that trauma is created in relationship and is healed in relationship. So if I can feel your pain and you can feel me feeling your pain then you're not alone anymore, so trauma survives in our bodies in a frozen state whilst it is alone. So this sense that we get that I'm alone and no one understands me is a trauma position but if we open our hearts and we're present with our heart, and we're open and we're connecting then healing starts and we can all do that which is deeply hopeful.
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