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The hope of worms in the soil

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Probably the most important story of hope for humanity at the moment is the worm. There is an enormous soil crisis that's going on all around the world and the worm is is an amazing answer as tiny little ploughs who aerate the soil and pull everything in, process it and excrete it back into the soil. So there's so much hope that remains in these incredible little worms.


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The hope of worms in the soil
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Coldplay's environmental footprint

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My hopeful story is a school friend who is part of a band who have become world leaders in addressing their environmental footprint. We desperately need these moments of collective togetherness but there is always a big impact. They made a decision years ago that they were not going to tour until they had worked out how to do that sustainably. What they have done with solar and batteries, the way they work with local partners and looking at the fuel they use is so inspiring.


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Coldplay's environmental footprint
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Michiel Bakker at Google.

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I have a lot of respect for people who are situated in large, complex multinational organisations who are committed to doing good things and doing good for the world. The person who brings me hope is a leader I've worked with at Google named Michael Bakker. What's inspiring to me about Michael is that he is coming from a place of deep business experience and expertise and later in his career has come into the work of regenerative business, systems change and sustainability. What I admire is that he has this commitment to have impact while working with and navigating the tensions that can be inherent in a large multinational company.


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Michiel Bakker at Google.
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Community heroes who don't get recognition or credit

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Rachel Woolf

Hopefulness is found in the people who don't get any credit, don't have any recognition, volunteers in care homes, food banks, Samaritan call line volunteers, people who are single mothers working two jobs for the sake of their kids, young carers, people living in tough situations with humility and with grace and without fanfare.


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Community heroes who don't get recognition or credit
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The Rio Ferdinand Foundation

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I'm going to big up a young man called Keon who I have been working alongside at the Rio Ferdinand foundation who invest into the futures of young men and women in the most deprived areas.


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The Rio Ferdinand Foundation
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Charles Black from Space Exploration Network

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Charles Black is my story of hope. He is building The Space Exploration Network. The idea is to deploy a constellation of satellites around Earth which will enable access to a 4k view of the Earth in real time. Charles wants to democratise space that will be an incredible resource for humanitarian, environmental and educational contexts and so many others.


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Charles Black from Space Exploration Network
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Rewilding land in the front yard

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There's lots of people out there talking about all the good they're doing which is amazing and they should be doing that. There are also many people that don't self-promote, like the woman we photographed named Jackie who is re-wilding her area. She is turning all of the land at the front of her house into vegetable gardens which is impacting her community and brings me a lot of hope.


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Rewilding land in the front yard
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An 85 year old adventurer

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I've had the privilege of guiding all kinds of people from all walks of life on expeditions and adventures around the world. There was one person a few years ago, who I guided in northern Iraq and he was by far the happiest person I've ever met. The thing was, he was an 85 year old guy who had terminal cancer. His life quest was visiting every country on earth (he was up to around 175 countries) What I found really powerful was that he was living and breathing every single moment, and you could see it in his face.


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An 85 year old adventurer
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Creative Conscience

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My hopeful story is a creative community and global not-for-profit organisation who believe that creative thinking and innovation can make positive change. Their mission is to embed purpose-driven creative thinking into every institution, brand and organisation across the world.


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Creative Conscience
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Scott Powell from Peak Experiences

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Scott Powell who is the owner of a company called Peak Experiences. Scott created a place for dirtbags to come and stay and live and I'll be forever indebted to him because he provided the first foundation for me to heal and get stronger.


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Scott Powell from Peak Experiences
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The King Hussein cancer centre in Jordan

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The King Hussein Cancer Centre in Jordan that cares for people from around the world. it was there I met a 11 year old girl who's immune system was very low. My inspiring conversation with her about climbing Everest was the moment I decided that every climb in the future will be for a cause. Since meeting her we have raised over six million dollars for various causes around the world.


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The King Hussein cancer centre in Jordan
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Maria Emilia

The indigenous communities of Sierra Nevada

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Maria Emilia

The indigenous communities of Sierra Nevada, are the guardians of the health of the planet. Their rituals are rooted in the understanding that the world is a single organism so whatever happens in one place is affecting the rest of the organism.


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The indigenous communities of Sierra Nevada
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Young bicultural change makers

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My hopeful story is this movement within the young bicultural community of African descent. We have been working with Nike and other busineses piloting programmes with this young generation who are all about creating the change that we want to see. This for me is where hope is coming from right now.


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Young bicultural change makers
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The empathy and compassion in each of us

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I think that hope is in each one of us. We have survived as humanity through care and compassion and every single one of us has the capacity for empathy and compassion. Our social nature has given us an incredible survival advantage and we can see the evidence of compassion in our physiology, our biochemistry, our genomics and everywhere else that you look. This is so hopeful.


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The empathy and compassion in each of us
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A young women in Sierra Leone

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My story is about a young women who grew up in an isolated village with no running water or power in Sierra Leone. She went on one of our programmes and started engaging her village in conversations around early age marriage which was a big issue. Before long 70 or 80 people attended and then other local villages opened up with further conversations around the issue. We have been walking alongside her in her ambition to go to University and eventually become a Lawyer.


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A young women in Sierra Leone
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Enviromentalist Wangari Maathai

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Enviromentalist Wangari Maathai who is founder of the Greenbelt movement, the first African women to win the Nobel prize. So inspiring especially as Wangari is from my tribe in Kenya.


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Enviromentalist Wangari Maathai
To ignite the someone else platform, we’ve included hopeful stories from 135 guests on our Wonderspace podcast.
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