
My foster brother Mez who escaped military service

submitted by
Jaz O'Hara

There have been many amazing people that have brought me a lot of hope, but I would like to share about my foster brother Mez who is an Eritrean refugee who left Eritrea at the age of 12 to flee compulsory military service. He didn't know where he was going or where he would be safe, and it took him a year to get to the UK. In that year, he crossed the Sahara Desert, he went 15 days without food, he lost friends along the way partly because the boat he was on capsized in the Mediterranean Sea. He walked across Europe and lived in the Calais jungle. That feat of endurance aged 12 has just stayed with me. Whenever I am facing anything hard, I think about Mez and I think about his life now and how he continues to work hard and never take anything for granted.



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My foster brother Mez who escaped military service


My foster brother Mez who escaped military service
There have been many amazing people that have brought me a lot of hope, but I would like to share about my foster brother Mez who is an Eritrean refugee who left Eritrea at the age of 12 to flee compulsory military service. He didn't know where he was going or where he would be safe, and it took him a year to get to the UK. In that year, he crossed the Sahara Desert, he went 15 days without food, he lost friends along the way partly because the boat he was on capsized in the Mediterranean Sea. He walked across Europe and lived in the Calais jungle. That feat of endurance aged 12 has just stayed with me. Whenever I am facing anything hard, I think about Mez and I think about his life now and how he continues to work hard and never take anything for granted.
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