
The power of human connection

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My story of hope is born over human connection. We had a young lad who worked with us who was kicked out of school at 15 without any qualifications, came to work for us and did a fantastic job and got a chance to go on the inaugural Michael Johnson Global Leadership Programme which led to him becoming an ambassador for a global organisation called Coaches across continents. At the same time I was connected to a woman called Dr Shukla Balls in India, who runs a foundation called the Parikrma foundation which is an incredible project set up to provide education for kids who live in the slums. Fast forward a couple of years, and we're able to connect, Jimmy to Shukla and now Jimmy spends time at Parikrma, teaching and training some of the teachers how to use sport to educate kids. All this purely through the power of human connection.



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The power of human connection


The power of human connection
My story of hope is born over human connection. We had a young lad who worked with us who was kicked out of school at 15 without any qualifications, came to work for us and did a fantastic job and got a chance to go on the inaugural Michael Johnson Global Leadership Programme which led to him becoming an ambassador for a global organisation called Coaches across continents. At the same time I was connected to a woman called Dr Shukla Balls in India, who runs a foundation called the Parikrma foundation which is an incredible project set up to provide education for kids who live in the slums. Fast forward a couple of years, and we're able to connect, Jimmy to Shukla and now Jimmy spends time at Parikrma, teaching and training some of the teachers how to use sport to educate kids. All this purely through the power of human connection.
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