
A weekly podcast that orbits around wonder and stories of hopefulness.

our recent stories:

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the Sustainable Ocean Alliance

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The Sustainable Ocean Alliance which activates young people and mobilizes an ocean workforce to restore the health of the ocean. I just love the fact that they are able to pull in voices from around the world and really create a drive towards creating policy, attending conferences and being able to project their voices on these platforms.


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the Sustainable Ocean Alliance
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Denzyl Feigelson at Platoon

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I went to record in a studio called platoon and the guy who runs it is called Denzel. One thing I noticed which I have not noticed in many studios, (I have been in them since I was 17) was that the engineers were all female and for me that was a huge, huge thing for me. Seeing more females within these roles is extremely inspiring, and sets an example for other studios, other establishments, other distributors, other labels. It's just whether you're making active decisions to make those changes and I feel like Denzel is one of those people who is doing that.


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Denzyl Feigelson at Platoon
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the million realities fellowship

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My story of hopefulness is The million realities fellowship who believe that transforming society can only happen when people transform themselves first. They have brilliantly created a two-year fellowship programme designed to bring together, champion and support social impact leaders, who have a vision to bring about systemic social change.


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the million realities fellowship
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Craig Hubbard and the Shambhala farm school

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My story of hopefulness, is the story of Craig Hubbard who from a business background bought a farm in Australia, and called it Shambhala farm. He got himself right into it, threw himself into the dirt, literally, and became a farmer and learned by jumping in at the deep end. While I was working on systems for small scale food production he was just working in it and learning something very complex from scratch. After 10 years or more, he feels that the most valuable thing he has now is his experience that he can share with others. And so he's created a farming school where you can learn how to create your own farm, whether it's in your own backyard or whether it's pots on a balcony. He has built a comprehensive process of sharing all the knowledge that he's learned over that period.


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Craig Hubbard and the Shambhala farm school
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In the pursuit of real justice.

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my story of helpfulness is about all the people I know that have lived experience of the criminal justice system, and are now doing something phenomenal to make it better for other people. My friend, Tony was 15 years in and out of prison who has set up the charity hope and vision which is about housing people after they come out of intensive rehab. My friend Mandy has a long history of being in and out of prison but has gone on to become a drugs worker and runs housing projects for women. My friend Paula runs a prisoner Policy Network at the Prison Reform Trust and has gone down the more structural end of things like me, looking at how we can get the voices of people with experience of prison and of criminal justice to change the policy and practice in our system. These three people are some of the bravest and best people I know and they challenge me constantly to be better, to dig deeper to go further in the pursuit of real justice.


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In the pursuit of real justice.
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Heroes in Sierra Leone caring for amputees

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My hopeful stories are the people I have met in Sierra Leone, who run an amputee project out there. There's Pastor Finney, who looks after amputees and will get up in the middle of the night and get on his bicycle and visit amputees at the other side of town. The project is run by a girl called Anna who has given up her life to help child orphans in Sierra Leone, and she's just an incredible person. And I also met somebody called Miss Jane who lives with an amputee called Annabel who she found dying in a ditch. These are people that give their lives unconditionally and completely and are totally inspirational people.


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Heroes in Sierra Leone caring for amputees
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Atlas of the Future

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Atlas of the Future is my hopeful story. I think that so often the conversations we have centre around how bad things are and we aren't having enough conversations about what we're trying to build towards, the positive side. So Atlas of the future have all of these different ways to communicate a different type of future and they use media in a way that is, to me the future of media.


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Atlas of the Future
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Inspiring female leadership and impact investment

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Hope for me is found in so many places. I see so many people using their skills, platforms and gifts to make this world a bit more beautiful. Female leadership, like Jacinda Ardern, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris, give me incredible hope, not only for speaking truth to power but also for young girls like the daughter of a good friend of mine to grow up and see incredible women in such leadership positions. In the investing space I'm given hope by the increasing movement toward impact and sustainable investments. In the arts, I'm given hope by the countless artists raising their voices to speak up about injustices and inequality.


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Inspiring female leadership and impact investment
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