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Jeremy Roberts - a community hero

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On the face of it, Jeremy just runs a car park in Mevagissey Cornwall. But he does so much more than that. The reason why Jeremy is my inspiration is that he dedicates his time to inspiring and educating people, fighting for conservation and keeping kids wild. His energy, enthusiasm and knowledge are like nothing I've seen before. The world needs more Jeremys


So, my inspiration is a chap called Jeremy Roberts. On the face of it Jeremy runs a car park in a small fishing village called Mevagissey in Cornwall but it's so much more than that. Jeremy spends his time running conservation groups - he does bat walks butterfly surveys, water quality surveys. He teaches kids how to surf. How to be fascinated with bumblebees. Jeremy's knowledge, passion and engagement and curiosity is infectious and I think if we have more Jeremy's and local communities will have a kinder, more nurturing more regenerative planet to live on. I think the world absolutely needs more Jeremy's


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Jeremy Roberts - a community hero
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Joshua Konkankoh and Indigenous Wisdom

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Jannine  Barron

Joshua Konkankoh is a cameroonian indigenous elder and social entrepreneur who combines regenerative education, permaculture, and environmental leadership to reduce social inequalities.


My story of hope is about Joshua or just as I know him as I met him a few weeks ago in Eco Village. He's well known in the, um, global eco Village network. Um, and he has a unique perspective on, um, self determination and supporting empowerment and young people by adopting what he calls African practical wisdom. Um, he's originally from Cameroon, and he did set up the Bao um, eco Village, um, with the purpose of supporting the young people who he saw had very little direction. And he does a great job in regenerative leadership of, um reminding people that indigenous knowledge and wisdom has always existed. And while it's important to embrace science and, um, permaculture and various Western practises, it's not at the expense of the existing wisdom. And when it's combined, it's very powerful.


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Joshua Konkankoh and Indigenous Wisdom
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Global Football Storytelling

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Using the universal game of football as a way of discovering new communities and voices from around the world and the social and political issues that lie within.


my story of hope is actually a platform of hope. Uh, and that platform is Go click. Uh, the brainchild of founder Matt Barrett. Uh, essentially, it is a global football storytelling platform, uh, which helps people understand one another and the world through football. So go click. Send cameras out to people and communities in all the forest parts of the world. Uh, and they use analogue photography, uh, written words and audio and film to send back their content. And, uh, it's it's very inspirational. Um, in terms of the stories that are out there, whether that's a Sierra Leonean amputee football team or Syrian refugees playing in Jordan, uh, Iranian women's football team, really from a grassroots, right up to international level. And it's sort of through this cultural, social and political storytelling that, uh, and this beautiful game of of football that we can learn a lot, um, and feel inspired and feel hope for the future.


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Global Football Storytelling
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