
A weekly podcast that orbits around wonder and stories of hopefulness.

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Charles Black from Space Exploration Network

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Charles Black is my story of hope. He is building The Space Exploration Network. The idea is to deploy a constellation of satellites around Earth which will enable access to a 4k view of the Earth in real time. Charles wants to democratise space that will be an incredible resource for humanitarian, environmental and educational contexts and so many others.


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Charles Black from Space Exploration Network
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Waterbear streaming platform

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I think the Waterbear streaming platform is a hugely hopeful story. It is the first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet featuring award-winning documentaries, enlightening short films and impactful series.


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Waterbear streaming platform
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Alan Watson Featherstone from Trees for life

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My person is Alan Watson Featherstone who in 1986 founded the award-winning conservation charity, Trees for Life, which works to restore the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands. In the 80s rewilding and mother trees wasn't necessarily something that was being talked about, but Alan decided that the Glens of Scotland needed to be rewild so he raised over a million pounds which for a 'normal man' is extraordinary. He showed us this huge part of the Glens that is now rewild and it was all to do with making fences, planting the right trees, keeping the deer out which happens now in loads of areas but it was quite radical at the time. He lives a simple life in Findhorn, they're absolutely back to nature who love their vegetables and hug their trees, but his insight and his love and his passion for something that he started from absolutely nothing I think is a huge story of hope .


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Alan Watson Featherstone from Trees for life
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A refugee in Uganda called Edward

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My hopeful story is a refugee called Edward from South Sudan who is living in Uganda. He is an extraordinary guy supporting so many people who are in need. What he's done is a reflection of a far wider number of people with around 1.4 million refugees living in Uganda.where in the context of such challenge there are extraordinary stories of courage, hope and resilience.


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A refugee in Uganda called Edward
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The King Hussein cancer centre in Jordan

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The King Hussein Cancer Centre in Jordan that cares for people from around the world. it was there I met a 11 year old girl who's immune system was very low. My inspiring conversation with her about climbing Everest was the moment I decided that every climb in the future will be for a cause. Since meeting her we have raised over six million dollars for various causes around the world.


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The King Hussein cancer centre in Jordan
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Three social entrepreneurs

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I get so much hope and inspiration from three women who are super passionate about social entrepreneurship. All of them have their families, their children, and they're juggling all of that and showing me that it's possible to do it and to be a successful woman in business and to have a strong social mission and to take care of your family.


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Three social entrepreneurs
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Rewilding land in the front yard

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There's lots of people out there talking about all the good they're doing which is amazing and they should be doing that. There are also many people that don't self-promote, like the woman we photographed named Jackie who is re-wilding her area. She is turning all of the land at the front of her house into vegetable gardens which is impacting her community and brings me a lot of hope.


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Rewilding land in the front yard
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The Bio Leadership Fellows

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My story of hopefulness is all about the 80 people who have been part of the Bio Leadership Fellowship, all carrying a story that is changing the world in so many beautiful and creative ways. It's a call for people all around the world to come and be part of a community with each person holding a question or a project of potential change. It's through that that I've got to meet already 80 people and more, each of whom is carrying a story where they genuinely are doing something for the good of this life in so many beautiful and creative ways. Nobody can do this alone. It doesn't matter if you are the Secretary General of the UN or an organic farmer in India, you can't do it alone. But what is happening is that there are now threads of connection across communities that are really committed to making change happen. There's so much work to but the fact that the dots are getting connected is what gives me buckets of hope.


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The Bio Leadership Fellows
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