
A weekly podcast that orbits around wonder and stories of hopefulness.

our recent stories:

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An 85 year old adventurer

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I've had the privilege of guiding all kinds of people from all walks of life on expeditions and adventures around the world. There was one person a few years ago, who I guided in northern Iraq and he was by far the happiest person I've ever met. The thing was, he was an 85 year old guy who had terminal cancer. His life quest was visiting every country on earth (he was up to around 175 countries) What I found really powerful was that he was living and breathing every single moment, and you could see it in his face.


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An 85 year old adventurer
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The beating heart of communities in Romania

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My hopeful story centres around communities of Easter egg decorators in Romania and Ukraine who through the generations have dedicated their lives to this craft that is the beating heart of so many people and communities. I am inspired by the human capacity to contribute to the common good and the common life of everyone. I’m not going to give a shout out to named creators, I think the beauty of tradition is that we all identify into it.


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The beating heart of communities in Romania
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The Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team

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Gus and Jenny who are part of the Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team. Their level of compassion is what I aspire towards. Using their skills in crisis intervention they offer supportive listening, to start a dialogue and to encourage more hopeful solutions than suicide.


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The Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team
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The hope of worms in the soil

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Probably the most important story of hope for humanity at the moment is the worm. There is an enormous soil crisis that's going on all around the world and the worm is is an amazing answer as tiny little ploughs who aerate the soil and pull everything in, process it and excrete it back into the soil. So there's so much hope that remains in these incredible little worms.


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The hope of worms in the soil
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Young bicultural change makers

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My hopeful story is this movement within the young bicultural community of African descent. We have been working with Nike and other busineses piloting programmes with this young generation who are all about creating the change that we want to see. This for me is where hope is coming from right now.


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Young bicultural change makers
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Youtuber Mr Beast building wells

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I was really impacted by something I watched online recently where Youtuber Mr Beast partnered with multi agencies on the ground to build 100 life changing wells for schools and communities across Africa. This was one of his philanthropic projects which I found really hopeful.


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Youtuber Mr Beast building wells
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Coldplay's environmental footprint

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My hopeful story is a school friend who is part of a band who have become world leaders in addressing their environmental footprint. We desperately need these moments of collective togetherness but there is always a big impact. They made a decision years ago that they were not going to tour until they had worked out how to do that sustainably. What they have done with solar and batteries, the way they work with local partners and looking at the fuel they use is so inspiring.


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Coldplay's environmental footprint
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The Fair shot Cafe in London

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My hopeful story is an incredible cafe called Fair shot in London. A social enterprise that supports and transforms the lives of young adults with learning disabilities and autism through training them to be baristas and work in coffee shops. 95% of adults with learning disabilities are unemployed so through their hospitality program they take on a cohort of interns every year and train them up and then support them in finding work in other cafes. The support continues with Fair Shot providing a grant to the cafe where their intern is employed to contribute towards access needs and training for the first year. It's such a great thing to get my coffee from there every morning!


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The Fair shot Cafe in London
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